
Womens/Mens Pelvic Floor
What conditions do we treat?
Increased or decreased voiding frequency and urgency
Bowel/bladder Incontinence (daytime or nighttime)
Difficulty voiding (hesitancy, straining, weak/intermittent stream, pain or burning)
Feeling of incomplete emptying or retention
Voiding postponement (using holding maneuvers- sitting on the heel of the foot)
Fecal Retention/constipation
Pelvic Pain (abdomen, low back, pelvic or perineum pain)
Symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis, endometriosis.
Irritable bowel syndrome, dysmenorrhea
Post-abdominal or pelvic surgery (post-prostatectomy, post-C-section)
Pain with penetration in women
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pre and postpartum care, such as post-episiotomy, diastasis recti
What treatments methods do we use?
Internal and external assessment
Manual therapy (ex. Myofascial release, abdominal massage, joint mobilizations)
functional training of pelvic floor and core muscles (ex. muscle coordination, strength, balance and postural stability exercises)
Empowering the patient to be involved in the control/treatment of their conditions
Educating on urogenital anatomy/physiology
Assessing and correcting posture, biomechanics, and alignment
Educating on diet and fluid intake
Improving awareness of pelvic floor musculature (external or internal biofeedback)
Muscle relaxation techniques (yoga, diaphragmatic breathing)
Modalities ( E-stim, TENS, Biofeedback)

Pediatric Pelvic Floor
Who do we treat?
What conditions do we treat?
Patients can be seen as early as 24-36 months, and up through adolescence and adulthood. This includes children of varying abilities and/or neurological conditions:
2 year-old with constipation and painful defecation (prior to toilet training)
6 year-old with cerebral palsy and difficulty sensing the need to void
12 year-old girl with stress incontinence while playing soccer
15 year-old girl with excessive low back and pelvic pain during menstruation
Patients with below symptoms and more can be treated by Pelvic floor therapist -
Increased or decreased voiding frequency
Incontinence (daytime or nighttime)
Difficulty voiding (hesitancy, straining, weak/intermittent stream, pain or burning)
Feeling of incomplete emptying or retention
Voiding postponement (using holding maneuvers like sitting on the heel of the foot)​​
Fecal Retention
Fecal Incontinence
Pediatric Pelvic Pain
Incontinent Teenage Athletes
What treatments methods do we use?
Empowering the child/parents to be involved in the control/treatment of their conditions
Educating on normal bowel and bladder function
Promoting regular voiding habits
Improving posture for voiding
Educating on diet and fluid intake
Improving awareness of pelvic floor musculature (ex. external biofeedback)
Manual therapy (ex. Myofascial release, abdominal massage, joint mobilizations)
Pelvic floor and core muscle training ( ex. muscle coordination, strength, balance and postural stability exercises)
Muscle relaxation techniques (ex. yoga, diaphragmatic breathing)
Modalities (ex. Heat or E-stim)